Blog: Antivirus software may make your computer less safe, but definitely not more than you!

Over the years we have been told and learnt that using your Computer without a Antivirus program is like keeping your house doors wide open for thieves and robbers to exploit!

Do you remember your most important file being infected by virus and which makes it almost impossible to retrieve the data? Well almost everyone who uses a computer has gone though it at-least once!

But wait! What if your most trusted Antivirus program backfires on you?
Well, Lets find Out!

Note: This blog aims to provide some insider information from the antivirus industry.

What is Antivirus / Anti-Malware / Spyware software suppose to do?

They are developed to protect your computer from Viruses, Trojans, Ransomware, Malware etc.
  • Hackers increasingly use novel methods and bugs in the software of computers to perform attacks, resulting in about 55% cyber attacks going unnoticed by commercial antivirus software.
  • Computer viruses range from relatively simple criminal attacks, where credit card information is targeted, espionage programs that spy on users or as big as a mass Ransomware Attack!
  • A recent survey by a reputed antivirus software firm states that an antivirus software in general misses 55% of the cyber attacks!

How does a virus or malware get into the computer?

In reality, online threats are more like unwanted visitors to your home. Just like thieves, they will try to get into your home by different means, such as open windows or ventilation shafts on the side of the building, but the easiest way is still by knocking at the main door and convincing you to simply let them in or deceiving you to leave the house unprotected so they can sneak in during an unobserved moment.

What I’m trying to say here is:

It’s mostly the human element that makes computers unsafe, not the tech. Nobody really wants to hear it, but humans do make mistakes. We always have and we always will, regardless of our level of knowledge or skill, and attackers know exactly how to use that fact to their advantage.

Attacker expects that you:

  • Are not careful with software updates for your computer or vulnerable applications and might miss installing patches for newly detected leaks. This allows attackers to get in and place a Trojan (Virus) or bot by using exploit code on your machine.
  • Would click a link in an email if it looks like all the other emails you receive every day. The link might invite you to enter your most secret banking password, so they can clear your bank account.
  • Would click a download button if is attractive enough and uses attractive and false information so they can install unwanted software on your computer that annoys you with ads and popups all day.
  • Just click Next, Next, Next, without reading the installation dialogs carefully, so they can install adware bundles or system damagers like system tuners and system optimiser.
  • Are curious and might open an E-Mail attachment that looks like an Invoice or a Parcel delivery confirmation, but actually installs an encrypter that holds all your files for ransom.
  • Are lazy and reuse your easy-to-remember passwords or don’t implement a strong anti-brute force policy on your remote desktop service, so they can run through the most likely password variations very quickly and steal your data or take control over your machine.

So, how do you stay protected?

  1. Backup your Data Regularly
  2. Make sure your Operating System is updated
  3. Avoid clicking on web links or activating macros in malicious documents sent by the anonymous E-Mails
  4. Adjust browser security and privacy settings for increased protection
  5. Use Ad Blockers
  6. Use Guest Account on your operating system
  7. Use local backup stations like:
  • TENSAI X-NAS / UNI-NAS (For Business / Commercial Use)

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