ORGANON’96 Homeopathic Workstation


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The STANDARDIZED CASE RECORD (S.C.R) has been utilized to facilitate accurate recording, analysis and synthesis of the case. It has reduced difficulties of the S.C.R like manual processing and the problems of storage. You can of course record on a plain form but you won’t get full benefit of the philosophy inbuilt in the program.



  • The only software available for standardised Homeopathic Practice
  • Solves the problem of storing case records
  • Through symptom classification facilitates understanding of the case at the very basic level and reduces errors in Perceiving Totality
  • Automatic creation of Repertorial Totalities and Fast repertorisation tempts you to repertories each case
  • Systematic follow up improves remedy response interpretation and second prescription
  • Follow up assessment helps you to audit your own actions and to reduce errors
  • Accounts and Appointments become organised, making you free to concentrate on Patients



The system is designed to ensure Continued Homeopathic Education to all ranging from an undergraduate student to an established practitioner and would be invaluable for a distance learner.

  • Inculcates the discipline of accurate recording, analysis and synthesis
  • Helps you to learn principles of Repertorisation as well as Nonrepertorial Approaches
  • Provides assistance through a multitude of “Help Files” to be referred to when in doubt
  • Facility of retrospective analysis of errors committed in the management of cases improves practice and continuously updates knowledge



  • Make your teaching More Effective and Practice oriented through practice lessons in
  1. Classification & Evaluation
  2. Repertorisation
  3. Posology & Remedy Response Interpretation
  • Improve your Materia Medica Lectures by:

Study of Materia Medica & Differential Materia Medica through Repertory



The analytic recording of patient data with ACTION > RESULT > FEEDBACK complex at each stage of case management, is a boon which can be utilized in a myriad number of ways.

  • Generation of a large pool of accurate and reliable classified data
  • Easy Statistical analysis of parameters being researched
  • Generating Clinical Materia Medica and updating existing Repertories
  • Standardizing parameters of Posology
  • Generating Remedy Profiles
  • Exploration of Homeopathic Management of difficult clinical conditions


Recording a case

  • Minimized typing with the help of Appendable Help menus and automatic entries.
  • Fast navigation through Pop-up Menus and Mouse support
  • Marks for each entry to improve accuracy
  • Arrows to establish connections
  • Three types of boxes to highlight a symptom or a group of symptoms


Analysis of a case

  • A unique facility for classification of symptoms ensuring through analysis from various angles. This facility is the backbone of processing
  • Display of classified symptoms in a tabulated form for correction – invaluable for teaching and learning Classification & Evaluation of symptoms
  • Automatic transfer of classified symptoms in some forms like Miasmatic Expression Classification, Lifespace Table etc.
  • Editing facility for each form
  • Automatic Creation of reportorial totalities according to Boenninghausen, Kent and Boger


Synthesis of a case

  • The System does not perform synthesis since this is the responsibility of the homeopathic physician
  • It guides and minimizes the manual work by automatic transfer of data into forms like Essential Evolutionary Totality, Diagnostic Net etc. The facility for block copy from any other form reduces the typing work



A versatile, user friendly repertory program offering:

  • 3 Repertories: Kent, Boenninghausen and Boericke
  • Quick referencing
  • Fast repertorising based on Repertorial Syndrome, Potential Differential Field method
  • Facility of Eliminating rubric(s)
  • Materia Medica study
  • A Unique bridge between Repertorial Totalities and Repertories
  • Storage and print facilities


Planning and Programming of the treatment

Quantitative assessment of some of the parameters employed in planning and programming is provided. For Eg. Susceptibility, sensitivity, suppression etc. This facility is provided on an EXPERIMENTAL BASIS. It is expected to generate data for scientific research in Homeopathic Posology


Follow up

  • Creation of follow up criteria with standard reasons
  • Facility for recording observations, interpretations, actions and expectations with help menus to ensure fast and standardised follow-up recording. The program has flexibility of descriptive follow up recording as well
  • Checks and warnings included to minimize errors in interpretation and prescriptions
  • Facility for retrospective analysis of the Follow-up record for each case as well as for follow-ups during a specified period
  • Display of the statistical analysis of the errors committed in various areas



Extensive help to help even a neophyte to learn operating this system.

  • Operational Manual for entire SCR System
  • 100 Steps to master ORGANON’96
  • Key help at a keystroke at any stage of operation
  • One-line foot help throughout the operation

This has mage ORGANON’96 an excellent tool for undergraduate and distance education.


Other Facilities

  • Maintenance of fees and dues
  • Maintaining an appointment diary
  • Back-ups to prevent loss of data in case of electricity failures
  • Gateway DOS give access to DOS environment
  • Mouse support has been provided which reduces the navigational efforts in a big way
  • Print and Print Preview to print and browse entire documents


Please Note: 

The Software is provided as-is basis, As the software is developed in 1996 with DOS technology it is no longer updated. We have made it supported and workable with Windows 7/8/10.


Have any questions or Query? Please Contact us

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 25 × 15 × 3 in


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