Popular messages can now be forward to a single person, down from five With the potential of private messaging apps to spread misinformation related to coronavirus pandemic, WhatsApp said it would place new limits on forwarded messages. From now on messages that have been identified as “highly forwarded” (sent through a chain of five or…
Tag: Tensai Computers
NEWS UPDATE: Attacker now target Educational Institutions after corporate entities and Hospitals
Education is a hot target for ransomware: Nearly 50 school districts and colleges have been hit in 2019 so far, and more than 500 individual K-12 (Online learning Provider) schools have potentially been compromised. Cloud security firm Armor has been tracking publicly disclosed ransomware attacks since January 2019. Of the 182 total victim organizations this…
Blog: How to Update Your Windows PC and Stay Protected
Do you ever remember your Computer getting stuck up or laggy when your are in extreme hurry? Its mostly because you are running a buggy and outdated Windows version! But how? Read below to find out WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO INSTALL WINDOWS UPDATES? 1. Most of the Windows Updates include security updates. 2. Security…